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Lori Brink


The theme this summer for camp is “THRIVE”. When discussing possible ideas, the staff felt strongly that after the 2+ years we have all experienced, our children needed to be guided, encouraged and given opportunities that allow them to thrive and be healthy, strong and happy!

We were ALL made to Thrive! God wants that for us, even as adults. Jesus when speaking to the Pharisees in John 10:10 said, “The thief has come to steal, kill and destroy. I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.” He doesn’t want us to just get by and be ordinary, he wants us to have a life that is overflowing with joy and happiness.

We definitely don’t live in a world that follows this theme, do we? It can get discouraging and keep us from truly experiencing the abundant life God wants for us. I’d like to share 3 rhythms that I believe can guide all of us into a healthier and happier pattern of living and ultimately help us THRIVE as God has intended.

Rhythm 1: Daily quiet time and/or conversation with the Lord.

This doesn’t have to be something that is long and drawn out. Keep it simple! Read a short devotional or favorite passage of scripture and just simply share your thoughts with Jesus about what it means to you. If you have the pleasure of an empty car at any time, I like to put on a little music and talk to him like he is a friend sitting in the car with me. Nothing is too small or too big for him to hear….He WANTS to hear it ALL! Whatever this time looks like for you, keep it simple and as consistent as possible. Take time to make that connection!

Rhythm 2: Be active!

Take time for yourself and do something you love. Something that will stimulate your mind, body and soul! You could take a walk or if you are super ambitious, take a hike or even a bike ride. I love to swim, so any chance I get I’m in the water! There are so many possibilities! We all know physical activity gets those “feel-good” chemicals moving and creates positivity, energy and happiness that can make each day better!

Rhythm 3: Enjoy your people!

Be intentional and take time to enjoy the people around you! This could be family, friends, co-workers or even strangers. If we are open to it, we can often be super blessed and encouraged by the smallest of conversations. Engage with the ones you see daily, check in, ask questions, be a listener when needed and be open to reciprocation! Once you have a pattern like this with the people in your life, it will change how you feel and how they interact with you! Always be on the lookout for that 1 person that you can bless, even if it’s with a simple smile or hello J

There will always be things that get in our way or cause us to become discouraged, but don’t give up! If you try each day to incorporate regular healthy habits, you will be THRIVING and living the fee and plentiful life that God has blessed you with!

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