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Our summer staff is completely made up of volunteers.  
A great way to help out Pine Brook is to donate your time.  
Here are some roles you could serve in:


  • Counselor

  • Kitchen Staff

  • Maintenance and Custodial

  • Childcare

  • Support Staff (float around to different areas and help out)



Do you have a specialized skill you could lend toward our

ministry? Pine Brook volunteers are made up of incredibly

talented and gifted people that are called upon year-round.

Whether it’s carpentry, photography, cooking, or standing on

your head, you probably have a skill that would make camp

better.  Send us an email and tell us what you’re good at!



To apply online you must have a username and password. If you are new to Pine Brook you can click apply online and create a username and password. If you are not new to Pine Brook and you do not already have an account, please email for your login information.

**Please note that if you have an account to register for our programs, you may use those same login credentials.

Also see: 



 “I truly believe that my CLIME experience has helped me in both my professional and personal life. I have used the skills that I learned on CLIME at my job, in all different types of ministry in my local church, and in my relationships. Overall, because I participated in CLIME, I have leadership qualities that I use daily and made memories that I continue to treasure.”

Kris Bartlett, '05

“I thought a summer at a camp in the middle of nowhere was just a summer. What I didn’t realize is this was a gateway to a life time worth of friendships that I am forever grateful for! Will always love camp!”

Lisa McHugh-Duffy, '06

“CLIME was one of the best experiences of my life, and I thank God that He gave me the opportunity to work with such great people and really do something positive and beneficial with my summer.”

Titi Fagade, '09

“CLIME was such a powerful experience for me. I learned so much about myself and saw so much growth in my relationship with God.”

Emily Clough, '15

 “No one has ever regretted dedicating  their summer to the CLIME program. Throughout seven weeks of servant-hood to Him, the closeness you develop to Him, your fellow team members, and the lives you impact as a counselor are indispensably life changing. The CLIME program was God’s way of grabbing a-hold of my heart, and it is because of the way He uses Pine Brook to speak to his children that I can now live with purpose and clarity."


Lauren Avery Sullivan, '14 &'15

“CLIME is a true leadership opportunity, allowing you to grow as an individual in a down to earth ministry experience. This is a real program with dedicated, hardworking people.”

Mark Pedercini, '15

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