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Summer is just a season, but summer camp is for life because it develops: Leadership

“The true measure of leadership is influence- nothing more, nothing less” ~John Maxwell~ (“The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.”)

All of us are leaders. In some way, shape or form we influence those around us. It may be our families and children. It may be that we hold a position of “leadership” at work, or are part of a committee or team at church or in the community. By and large, in our lifetime we will hold some kind of position in leadership and influence those around us.

Camp is a place where leadership, particularly Biblical leadership is taught, demonstrated, and practiced. Jesus said this about leaders of His day when He was teaching His Disciples: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant…” Matthew 20:25-26 (NIV)

There is no better place to practice “servant leadership” than camp. With so many personalities, positions, and opportunities to lead, camp is the perfect classroom for young people to learn how to lead with the heart of Christ.

Counselors have to learn how to lead using their influence, love and care of students. Position alone will not gain them any real respect of their campers. They must connect with, demonstrate love to, and engage with young people in order to have influence. Likewise, we have high school and college students serving on the Clime Team that at times must lead adults. Some of those adults are parents, staff members and even camp board members.

Pine Brook is like a leadership boot camp. We work early on to develop leaders from among the young people. Sometimes we spot natural talent and we approach and encourage these young people to step up to become JST staff, counselors, team captains or CLIME members. Sometimes young people approach us with a desire to grow, serve and lead in a greater capacity. We see this as part of discipleship. We see this as opportunity to grow the next generation of Christian leaders for our churches and communities.

Pine Brook is a safe place to learn leadership. It is an environment that encourages taking risk, trying your best and being allowed to fail. It is an environment that encourages grace and forgiveness. It is a place that has boundaries and safeguards and encourages team leaders to walk along side of growing leaders. Almost nothing makes our staff team happier than seeing young people grow and take on new challenges, new roles and greater leadership.

You can find out more about all of the leadership opportunities at We’d love to help uncover the leaders in your teens or young adults.

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