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Summer is just a season, but summer camp is for life because it allows for: Spiritual Growth

“This week I learned that God loved me and that His Son Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I asked Jesus into my heart and to forgive my sins.” This is a quote I have heard many times around the campfire that ends a week of camp. Another has been, “Kevin, I think after this summer God is calling me into some kind of full-time ministry.”

Summer is just a season, but camp is for life. Never is this truer than when young people make spiritual decisions for eternity.

Many children and teens will not hear the good news of Christ’s gift of His son and the joy of restoration to our Heavenly Father. Unless these young people are part of a Christian home, have a friend that takes them to youth group or a children’s church program they will not likely grow up knowing they have a Heavenly Father who passionately loves them. Nowadays, there are many options to take up family time on a Sunday. Unless Church attendance is part of a family’s upbringing and lifestyle, it is not likely that children and teens are going to find themselves engaged in a local church on their own, something needs to draw them in.

Christian Camp is often the doorstep that campers will cross to bring them into a community of people passionate about sharing these great spiritual truths. In fact we are finding that more of our campers are from the community at-large than from churches and church going families. This means camp is the gateway to the Gospel for so many! This is the core of who we are and what we strive to do at Pine Brook. We introduce campers to a life changing relationship with their creator and seek to see young people grow in their relationship with Christ. We desire to see discipleship happen and to see young people plugged into the local church. We desire to see them grow into Christian leaders, passionate about loving one another, serving others and living committed lives for Christ.

Pine Brook Camp is the perfect incubator for this kind of growth and discipleship. We cannot do it alone. We desperately need the participation of the local church. We need the volunteers to make the personal connections, to encourage, do life with and disciple youth. We need the participation of Christian families to send their children and invite their neighborhood friends to camp. This ministry is so much greater than the camp grounds and facility.

At the end of the day Pine Brook Camp is each of YOU! You, the local church. You, the youth leader who organizes a group of kids to come. You, the pastor that encourages your families to participate. You, the musicians that come to lead the worship. You, the volunteer that serves in the kitchen, at the nursing station or as a cabin leader. We are all Pine Brook Camp together. Without you we are nothing more than buildings and sports equipment. Pine Brook Camp is the collective passion of great people desiring to see Jesus change lives. Summer is just a season, but camp is for life!

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