Something you can always count on at Summer Camp is Bible memory. Campers are given sheets with verses or passages from Scripture and must memorize them. They then have to prove that they have truly learned the verses by saying them to a staff member. This helps earn points for their teams throughout the week, but the reason for the task is so much more important than this.
The Bible tells us that we are meant to hide His words in our hearts. If we do this, then, no matter where we are or what the circumstances are, we will always carry the comfort and teaching of Scripture with us.
Here are three tips for memorizing Scripture:
Pick the right translation. At Camp, we allow our campers to memorize verses using the Bible translation they are most familiar with. Look to your own Bible for this.
Write the verse from memory. Writing the verse down allows you to test your knowledge and compare it to the source. You can also then tape the written version somewhere noticeable in your home so you can see it throughout your day.
Don’t get discouraged if memorization doesn’t come easily to you! It is ok to start small. Start by memorizing single verses before moving on to longer passages as it becomes easier.
The memorization of Scripture isn’t just for summer camp or VBS; it is a beautiful way to carry the word of God with you everywhere you go.