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“You have tested positive.” In this season of life those may be the most dreaded words to hear. When we started 2020 we had no idea that a pandemic was looming over our Nation and the World. We all had plans, hopes and dreams. Many of those plans would change overnight. As a Nation, we slowly saw things shut down and businesses close, some permanently. We saw weddings disrupted, funerals unattended and a life that was changed.

In the midst of this, most of us know people who have lost loved ones. We know business owners who have lost their life savings. We may even know of those who have been affected by loneliness and depression. There have been many disappointments, moments of anger and frustration and a sense of futility. However, there are rays of joy and glimmers of hope if we choose to see some COVID Positives.

Over the next several posts, I will highlight what I think are some of life’s positive benefits from the year of the pandemic. This is not to gloss over all the negatives, as there are many negative impacts that we will see for generations to come. However, there are some positives that we can look at. These give me hope. I trust that they will inspire and encourage you as well.

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